Entering Chinese (Simplified) Characters

To begin entering Chinese (Simplified) characters, first place the cursor in an HTML edit area of Internet Explorer or in the message body of an Outlook Express mail message.

Using the multilanguage menu located on the taskbar, switch to the IME keyboard layout. Do this by clicking on the multilanguage indicator and then selecting the Chinese (Simplified) IME from that list.

menu.GIF (1956 bytes)

Once the IME is selected, a floating toolbar should appear on the screen.

inactive.gif (1044 bytes)

Chinese/English toggle button: zhong.gif (948 bytes) Chinese input ying.gif (963 bytes) English input
Full/Half width toggle button quanjiao.gif (949 bytes) Full-width character banjiao.gif (942 bytes) Half-width character
Chinese/English punctuation toggle button: quan-fh.gif (931 bytes) Chinese punctuation ban-fh.gif (922 bytes) English punctuation
Complete/Double spelling toggle button: quanpin.gif (971 bytes) Complete spelling input shuang.gif (970 bytes) Double spelling input


Chinese spelling consists of two types of characters, vowels and consonants, as follows:

Double spelling input key map

Key position I u v o
Initial Consonant ch sh zh zero consonant
Key position Q W E R T Y U I O P
Vowel iu ia, ua e uan, er ue uai, v u i o, uo un
Key position A S D F G H J K L ;
Vowel a ong, iong uang, iang en eng ang an ao ai ing
Key position Z X C V B N M      
Vowel ei ie iao ui, ue ou in ian    

The following is the list of Chinese punctuation key position:

Chinese punctuation key position table

Chinese punctuation Key position Description
“” " automatic match
‘’ ' automatic match
〈《 < automatic nesting
〉》 > automatic nesting
…… ^ double character process
―― - double character process
· @  